Categories: Informative, Tips

Mistress Esme


You have or like a particular fetish but, you have no clue about possible consequences or how to prevent an unwanted accident. Then it is time you get a clue and arm yourself with information.

It scares me the amount of people who are playing or attempting to play who simply don’t have a clue what they are doing. If you’re drawn to an activity research it. Pay a pro to have a consultation with you via phone, cam or even in person to answers your questions.

There are horror stories out there. Now if a sub took the time to learn more about said kink they claim to love, then they could see when said Dom/me is in the wrong. I am not trying to put the onus on subs. End of the day both parties should know what the hell they are doing. However, being informed will not hurt you.

Before I was a pro, I learned a lot from playing with subs who had more experience than me. I have no shame in saying what a fountain of knowledge subs can be. I got to practice my craft as a baby domme with subs who knew more than me. I found at the time it helped when creating a scene because I knew I had the support of a knowledgeable person. If you’re starting your journey as a Mistress/Master, don’t overlook a sub who is willing to teach and help you understand play from a subs perspective. It’s actually quiet beautiful when you can grasp that because you can truly create an amazing scene.

If you are a sub/slave/bottom see someone who knows what they are doing. Do not put your health and potentially your life at risk just because your cock or fanny twitched when looking at someone’s pictures. Aside from aesthetics, does that person know what they are doing? What do they specialise in? Also, if you’re uncomfortable or simple don’t feel safe, speak up. Do not go through with something because you feel that is the thing to do.

So play and have fun but just make sure you choose your play partner wisely.

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  1. Joe dixon May 17, 2024 at 14:48 - Reply

    Wow that was useful information about hardsports, I never thought of that
    I am curious and want to try it,I dont want to eat it but drop in my mouth and around face,do you use a toilet box throne to serve it plz

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